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Local Artists & Creators

Q+A with Aveleigh Keller

Q+A with Aveleigh Keller

Aveleigh Keller truly wowed the crowd at Factory163 during her August performance in the Women of Broadway and Beyond. After watching her charismatic performance, as well as seeing her truly impressive drive and behind the scenes work to get the show off the ground, we knew we had to talk to her! We caught up with Aveleigh recently to find out more about this talented and determined performer!

Brontae Hunter

Brontae Hunter

Brontae Hunter has known right from the start what she is meant to do. At three years old her mother took her to see the Lion King in Toronto and she remembers “just wanting to be there [on stage] so bad.” After seeing the classic musical Hunter “begged and begged and begged to do a show” Her determination paid off as Hunter appeared in her first performance at the local Kincardine theatre in A Christmas Carol. Hunter laughs as she recalls running on stage and dancing around, “I loved it. I was just super at home and it felt so natural to me.” Not much has changed, as the determined and hardworking young performer continues to wow with her talent and passion.

Rachel Champion

Rachel Champion

Rachel Champion’s passion in filmmaking began at a young age, jumping behind the camera as often as she could right from the start. As she puts it, “I have always enjoyed being behind the camera; never really in front of it.” The Sheridan College graduate would often film family trips as a child. Along with […]

What Inspires Creativity

What Inspires Creativity

When Meghan Maguire started her co-op at Factory163 she had a vision in mind. The Stratford Central student wanted to reach into the minds of Factory163’s artists, determining how the space functioned as each artist’s “creative sanctum.” The Stratford Central student devised a long term project to do just that entitled “What Inspires Creativity.” Setting out to […]